#12- UK General Election 2017
Hello there :) , How are you doing ?
I haven't posted on here in about 9 months now, but I suddenly felt motivated to write again.
Seeing as it's been 2 weeks since my exams for my second year of university finished and my summer holidays officially started, I have much more time on my hands.
Tomorrow (8th June) the people of the United Kingdom will be voting for which party we think should take lead, and essentially voting for our Prime Minister in the General Elections.
So I thought what better idea than making that the topic of my blog post today?
Although I'm not too interested in politics and anything of its likes, I do have an opinion on who I want to vote for and have my own reasons for it.
I believe that everyone who is registered to vote should use that vote and have their say , especially young people, as we are the ones who will live to see these chabges through. I know many 18-25 year olds are probably thinking that they don't think their vote will count, but trust me, if enough of us young people stand up to what you believe in and vote, it will definately make a difference.
I am going to talk a bit about my own opinions now. This is not to persuade you to think in the same way as me, but to just show you my view on it all and maybe help you realise what your own opinions are.
So I am chosing to vote for the Labour Party tomorrow and this is mainly because they propose to abolish all tuition fees for University Students and this will obviously affect me and my fellow and prospective students. This will also allow anyone to attend university and their level of income will no longer be a barrier or obstacle in helping them to reach their goals.
Another one of Labour's policies is to stop the privatisation of the NHS (National Health Service). This will mean that millions of people across the country will continue to have access to free health services like they have for so many years. Stopping this will mean that so many people may not afford to pay to get treated for their illnesses.
So , I guess the essence of this whole post is that, no matter what your view is on all the above, remember that it counts. So as you walk into your local polling station tomorrow, do it with the confidence that it will make a difference.
You voting tomorrow is definitely worth it... so lets stand together and make this country a better place to live in for all :)
Thank You soo much of you are still reading this, I really appriciate your support as I'm not really sure who will still be reading, haha.
See you agian next time ,
Saranka xxx
Todays Quote " In a democracy, you won't always get to have your way. But you should always get to have your say"
#powertodecide #GE2017