#6 Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Hi everyone :)
I hope you are all doing great !
A few weeks ago now, I asked you guys to ask any me questions so I could answer them on a Q&A blog post.
One of the questions was how I got to know Paramahamsa Nithyananda - my Guru.
So I thought , seeing as it was one of the only questions I got and that quite a lot of people will have no idea about what I am talking about, that I would explain this answer in a blog post of its own.
So who exactly is this, you ask ?
Paramahamsa Nithyananda (known as Swamiji by his devotees ) is a Living Incarnation- an Enlightened Master of Hinduism. He is the spiritual head (Maha Mandeleshwar) of the Ancient Apex Body of Hinduism (Maha Nirvani Peetham).
He is the most watched spiritual leader on Youtube with over 21 million views and has written over 500 books in over 27 different languages.
Swamiji is known for having easily healed thousands of people from diseases such as cancer and any problems they have had in their life.
Thousands of people have also been able to not only read but have also been able to do so many other everyday things such as drive with their eyes closed after Swamiji's initiation of the third eye.
Please see this video of 10 year old girl Ma Yogamata demonstrating her powers with the third eye.
Swamiji conducts 21 day programs in India known as "Inner Awakening". As he describes in his own words "Inner Awakening is not a program, it is a tremmendous possibilty".
Through these he aims to spread his teachings to devotees around the world and also initiate thousands and thousands of children and adults into these extraordinary powers, not just the third eye but many many more.
He has an Ashram (Religious Monastry) in a village called Bidaadi in Bengaluru, India where he stays and also where thousands of his devotees stay and/or visit everyday. He also has a religious school (Gurukul) on this campus for children aged 7-14.
Keeping on the topic of powers, Swamiji promises to initiate over 5000 people into 70 powers in an upcoming 38 day program called "Shudhadvaitam"(meanining pure togetherness) in the Simhasta Kumbh Mela this coming May.
Kumbh Mela is a mass Hindu pilgrimage held once every 12 years. There are 4 different Kumbh Melas some of which are more frequent than others. It is the worlds largest religious gathering ever.
The 2016 Ujaiin Simhasta Kumbh Mela has been said to be the climax of a concious shift which started at the end of 2012.
So as you can imagine this is something that most of us Hindus are looking forward to and talking about.
I first got to know about Swamiji around June time in 2015, when my Mum and older sister went to one of his weekend programs here in London. Imidiately after this they decided to fly off to their first Inner Awakening program in Varanasi, India in July 2015.
I first met Swamiji in one of his 21 day programs later that year in December 2015, in Phuket Thailand.
After I got to know Swamiji and had met him, I have found that I am much more interested in my religion and aware of its teachings and ancient traditions. I am also excited to share what I learn with the people I know as I am aware that many Hindus in my generation are not into their religion that much.
This program has also made me feel much happier and realise that I can acheive anything I put my mind to, regardless of any obstacles I may face.
I really hope this post has been imformative if you had any questions and interesting to read. If you have any more questions and want out find out more about Swamji and his programs please visit the links below:
For more information if you are new to Hinduism and/or want to another perspective from Swamijis devotees of our generation please see this blog written by these two lovely girls who I met in December 2015 in Phuket.
Today's Quote: Breathe AIRE
If you are still here, thanks so much for reading this , I really appreciate it as it took me some time to actually sit down and start planning out this post.
I will see you next time !!
Love Saranka xx
He is the most watched spiritual leader on Youtube with over 21 million views and has written over 500 books in over 27 different languages.
Swamiji is known for having easily healed thousands of people from diseases such as cancer and any problems they have had in their life.
Thousands of people have also been able to not only read but have also been able to do so many other everyday things such as drive with their eyes closed after Swamiji's initiation of the third eye.
Please see this video of 10 year old girl Ma Yogamata demonstrating her powers with the third eye.
Swamiji conducts 21 day programs in India known as "Inner Awakening". As he describes in his own words "Inner Awakening is not a program, it is a tremmendous possibilty".
Through these he aims to spread his teachings to devotees around the world and also initiate thousands and thousands of children and adults into these extraordinary powers, not just the third eye but many many more.
He has an Ashram (Religious Monastry) in a village called Bidaadi in Bengaluru, India where he stays and also where thousands of his devotees stay and/or visit everyday. He also has a religious school (Gurukul) on this campus for children aged 7-14.
Keeping on the topic of powers, Swamiji promises to initiate over 5000 people into 70 powers in an upcoming 38 day program called "Shudhadvaitam"(meanining pure togetherness) in the Simhasta Kumbh Mela this coming May.
Kumbh Mela is a mass Hindu pilgrimage held once every 12 years. There are 4 different Kumbh Melas some of which are more frequent than others. It is the worlds largest religious gathering ever.
The 2016 Ujaiin Simhasta Kumbh Mela has been said to be the climax of a concious shift which started at the end of 2012.
So as you can imagine this is something that most of us Hindus are looking forward to and talking about.
I first got to know about Swamiji around June time in 2015, when my Mum and older sister went to one of his weekend programs here in London. Imidiately after this they decided to fly off to their first Inner Awakening program in Varanasi, India in July 2015.
I first met Swamiji in one of his 21 day programs later that year in December 2015, in Phuket Thailand.
After I got to know Swamiji and had met him, I have found that I am much more interested in my religion and aware of its teachings and ancient traditions. I am also excited to share what I learn with the people I know as I am aware that many Hindus in my generation are not into their religion that much.
This program has also made me feel much happier and realise that I can acheive anything I put my mind to, regardless of any obstacles I may face.
I really hope this post has been imformative if you had any questions and interesting to read. If you have any more questions and want out find out more about Swamji and his programs please visit the links below:
For more information if you are new to Hinduism and/or want to another perspective from Swamijis devotees of our generation please see this blog written by these two lovely girls who I met in December 2015 in Phuket.
Today's Quote: Breathe AIRE
If you are still here, thanks so much for reading this , I really appreciate it as it took me some time to actually sit down and start planning out this post.
I will see you next time !!
Love Saranka xx