#2 30 Facts about me

Hi there :) Hope you are all well, I have spent time thinking about what I should write this post about and came up  with  a few id...

Hi there :)

Hope you are all well,
I have spent time thinking about what I should write this post about and came up  with  a few ideas. I then thought that before anything I  should introduce myself a bit more. These facts vary from basic facts, and my likes and dislikes to embarassing facts about me as a child and a few meaningful facts.

So here are 30 facts about me:
(PS:The number of facts for this post kept going up as I kept thinking of more)

  1. My name is Saranka
  2. I'm on the 19th page of my life
  3. I'm around 5ft 4" tall
  4. I was born on 4th January 1997 (a Saturday)
  5. I don't  have a middle name
  6. I'm a 1st year student at the University of Kent, England 
  7. Pink is still my favourite colour
  8. I love foood !!!
  9. I have 2 sisters (I am the middle child)
  10. I am scarily good at remembering people's birthdays (after the first time I hear it)
  11. I love tea 
  12. My favourite season is spring
  13. I'm a morning person
  14. My family are Srilankan Tamil
  15. I'm a Hindu
  16. I want to travel the world
  17. The number of my first cousins alone add up to 22 including me and my sisters
  18. I love fashion and finding my own style
  19. I am a Bromley girl (meaning I've always lived in Kent -even uni)
  20. I would call myself an optimist
  21. I don't drink alchohol
  22. I actually like dark chocolates for I don't really like sweets
  23. I love christmas/ New year time
  24. I'm really slow at eating
  25. I sucked my thumb until I was about 10 years old
  26. My mum said that she had to stitch my gloves to my coat as a child as I  would refuse to wear them #I AsianParents
  27. I love spending time with my friends and family
  28. I love dreaming about my ideal future
  29. I beleive everything happens for a reason
  30. And finally ... I look forward to sharing my life here on my blog

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and that I will see you next time. Feel free to tell me a random fact about yourself down in the comments. 
Saranka xx

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