Make 2019 a Year of Happiness
00:08:00Hey Everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR It's been so long since I have written on my blog ; one year and 7 months to be exact. The last tim...
Hey Everyone,
It's been so long since I have written on my blog ; one year and 7 months to be exact. The last time I wrote post, I had just finished my second year of uni and now , I've finished a whole placement year and am half way through my final year at university. So yes, I'm back for now, but I'm not sure how frequently I can post from now until June as I'll be busy with studies.
I guess I've just not had ideas or inspiration on what to write or have just not really made the time.
However, with a brand new year just beginning and it also coming up to my 22nd birthday , I felt as though now was the perfect time to come back and write about Happiness and how to make this year the best it can be.
My style of writing and perception of many things in life may have changed from over a year ago, but I hope you still enjoy this :)

Although, it may not have been that easy to keep up with, over the past year, I've realised that one of the main things that causes negative thoughts or experiences within us is usually to do with the past , and sometimes the future. Within one day the amount of times that we are only thinking about what we are doing that exact moment, is very rare.
So if we try our best to minimise the amount we our analysing or even just thinking about anything in the past, the likeliness that we will be happy is so much higher. If you think about it most of our thoughts include at least something in the past; thats how we form our perceptions and beliefs and even how the things we do in our day to day lives.
This may not make too much sense, but try this; at least for one day try your best focus just on the current moment; and if any thoughts come about the past, remind yourself that you shouldn't be living in the past.
If you have read to the end, I love you; Thank You so much <3.
Hope this helped or entertained you you at least a bit and the 2019 is a blessed year for you all.
Today’s Quote : If we change the way we look at things , the things we look at change - Wayne Dyer